Post Tagged with: "AI"

Announcing: „Coexistence in a Post-Petro-Plasticene“ – A New Vision for Sustainable Futures

We are excited to introduce a groundbreaking work that reimagines the built environment, shifting focus from merely minimizing environmental impact to fostering true coexistence with ecosystems. This new work explores the interaction between human activity and environmental microplastics as a catalyst for envisioning sustainable futures that create positive and restorative […]


Empty Fields Performance and talks at JUST Data Week

Kat is delighted to be joining JUST Data Week in Linköping Sweden. Run by Music Tech Fest, the week in Linköping explores ways to make data more Just, Unbiased , Safe and Transparent, a joint venture with the Industry Commons Foundation. As part of the programme, Kat will present a […]


Premiere of Empty Fields performance at Kiaf during Frieze Seoul

Empty Fields is a sound+movement performance by Kat Austen that roams the exhibition halls of the Korea International Art Fair, Kiaf, inviting fair-goers to encounter multi-dimensional territories of sound.  The artist becomes a cyborg traveller carrying hybrid human-nature-digital ecologies through the air fair, their body a fully autonomous and mobile […]
