Full list at ORCID


Co-designing infrastructures: Working with communities to create resilient cities (2024) Bell, Johnson, Teh, Austen, Moore, in Routledge Companion to Creativity and the Built Environment

DNA #24: Evidence Ensembles (2024) Haus der Kulturen der Welt (Eds.), Spector Books – buy online at sans-serriffe

The potential of citizen science to transform science: Lessons for a sustainable future, Austen et al. (2024) People and Nature, 6 (2), p 435-445

The Art + Science + Policy Nexus (2023) Austen, Benincasa (Eds.) The Publications Office of the European Union

Codesigning Infrastructures: Community collaboration for liveable cities (2023) Bell, Johnson, Austen, Moore and Teh, UCL Press, London

Fossil Echoes (2022) Kat Austen

“Learning from Landscapes for the Post-Anthropocene”, Against Catastrophe project, in Energy Dispatch, edited by Johanna Mehl and Moritz Ingwersen, TU Dresden.

“Microplastic inclusion in birch tree roots” Austen et al. (2022) Science of the Total Environment, 808, 152085

Stranger to the Trees in The Next Renaissance (2022) Odile Jacob Publishing, ISBN: 978-2415001995

“Sounding Dispersal as a Route to Empathy with the Changing Arctic” (2019) Leonardo Music Journal, 29, 3-7.

“The Value of Stakeholder Mapping to Enhance Co-Creation in Citizen Science Initiatives” Skarlatidou, A, et al. (2019) Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 4(1): 24, pp. 1–10.

“This fractionation of our being” (2019) Soundest (3): 33-37.

Art + Science Rapid Analysis Report” Kat Austen (2019) British Council.

“How I made musical instruments from lab equipment to create empathy with the Arctic” (2018) The Conversation.

“Multiple knowledges and the Redefinition of the Self in the Environment” (2018) Proceedings of the 9th SAR – International Conference on Artistic Research Kat Austen.

“Development of LCA Calculator to support community infrastructure co-design” A Borrion et al. (2018) The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 24: 1209.

“Engineering Comes Home: Co-designing nexus infrastructure from the bottom-up” S Bell et al. (2017) ISNGI Conf. Proceedings 46-54.

“Mediating for Climate Change” Kat Austen, (2017) Oxford Artistic and Practice Based Research Platform, 2, 69-78.

“The Art of Health” Kat Austen, (2016) Wellcome Trust.

“Resilience Task and Finish Group Report” Austen et al. (2015) Ofwat.

“Theory Choice in Chemistry: Attitudes to Computer Modelling in Chemistry” Kat F Austen (2016), in Theory Choice in the History of Chemical Practices, Eds. E. Tobin and C. Ambrosio, SpringerBriefs.

“What could derail the wearables revolution?” Kat Austen (2015) Nature, 525, 22–24.

“Pollution Patrol” Kat Austen (2015) Nature, 517, 136-138.

“Electrostatic versus polarization effects in the adsorption of aromatic molecules of varied polarity on an insulating hydrophobic surface” Kat F Austen et al. (2008) J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 035215.

“The interaction of dolomite surfaces with metal impurities” K Austen et al, (2005) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 7, 4150–4156.

“Density Functional Theory Study of the Binding of Glycine, Proline, and Hydroxyproline to the Hydroxyapatite (0001) and (0110) Surfaces” Neyvis Almora-Barrios, Kat F. Austen, and Nora H. de Leeuw, (2009) Langmuir, 25(9), 5018–5025.