Exploring climate change with sound and touch

Fantastic news: this month I’m starting a new position as one of the University of Leeds‘ Cultural Institute’s Cultural Fellows, alongside my new colleagues Dave Lynch and Christophe de Bezenac. Starting this month, I’ll be working with researchers and students at the University to further my project The Matter of […]


Hardware hacking for sonifying scientific measurements of water

[vimeo 231201804 w=640 h=361] Hacking the Mettler Toledo Delta 320 pH meter at Mono Shop Berlin – circuit bending the digital display from Kat Austen on Vimeo. The first hack was to sonify the digital display of the Mettler Toledo Delta 320 pH Meter  – thanks to Simon Schäfer at […]


This fractionation of our being | Arctic Notes 2 & 3

I’m eager to get out on the ice – I’m so obsessed with this project and I’ve been taking every opportunity to make recordings however I can and to play with my equipment, work on concepts for the form, and interview everyone I can speak to. I’ve so far had […]
