
Mapping Gender collaboration

Kat is delighted to be collaborating with choreographer Anders Duckworth on the Mapping Gender project, which brings together non-binary perspectives & stories to explore how society controls & shapes both landscapes and human bodies, through a residency at The Place, London.


Contemporary Art in the Anthropocene

Tuesday 17th November, online Kat will present a selection of her work as part of the UCL Anthropocene Initiative’s Symposium „Contemporary Art in the Anthropocene“ 17th November, 15:30-17:30 CET. Register here (free of charge). More info: Expanding the focus on scientific data which is common to discourse on the subject, […]


Stranger to the Trees in il n’y a plus de saisons

Stranger to the Trees silhouette animation is exhibited as part of il n’y a plus de saisons, curated by Kilo Krajewska at Mains D’Œuvres, Paris. 25th September – 25th October 2020Mains D’Œuvres1 Rue Charles Garnier93400 Saint-OuenParis


Workshop – Open Lab at Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für moderne Kunst (BLMK)

Kat explores the human relationship with water using artistic research techniques that meld together embodied explorations with those mediated by sensing equipment. Led and facilitated by Kat, this workshop introduces participants to two of these artistic research methods that make use of scientific equipment and embodied techniques to connect with […]


This Land Is Not Mine |Launch of the Sounds of Lusatia Platform

Do you live in Lusatia? Contribute sounds from the region to the sound database of This Land Is Not Mine through our new microsite. On Monday 21st September 2020 we launched the new microsite to crowdsource Sounds of Lusatia: Contribution to the database for freely accessible to anyone who […]


Quarantine EMAP Group Exhibition | Kontejner

Kat will be showing part of her new work Stranger to the Trees in the Quarantine Exhibition organised Kontejner (EMAP/EMARE) for Ars Electronica 2020. Join the live stream from 11am – 11:30 CET on Friday 11th September 2020


Kunstradio Wien – The Beetles‘ Harvest Supper

May 17th 202011 pm on Kunstradio Wien Tune in at 11pm on Sunday 17th May to A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio broadcast. Performance recordings of The Beetles‘ Harvest Supper will be a part of a sound collage by Gabi Schaffner of Datscha Radio prepared for Kunstradio Wien.


The Matter of the Soul | Symphony Part I

In case you missed the radio show featuring the first part of The Matter of the Soul | Symphony on May the 5th 2020 on p-node radio hosted by Klio Krahewska you can now download and listen to the playlist (archive Tuesday, 5/07, 18h, Klio).


Fellowship at IASS Potsdam

Kat is now an artist fellow at IASS Potsdam – Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies. In the next year she will focus on the project This Land is Not Mine which focusses on the region of Lausatia, where Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic meet, the home of the Sorbian […]


Workshop Microplastics and Coexistence | Nana MacLean and Kat Austen

@Art Laboratory Berlin Wednesday 22nd of April 2020 Kat will team up once again with Nana MacLean to lead a discussion workshop organised by Art Laboratory Berlin is raising the question if it is possible to have a constructive approach to coexistence with microplastic? You can join the workshop on […]
