Flow Over Water Borders (2019)
Walls Have Ears
ARS Art Factory
Tallinn, Estonia
10th – 18th February 2023
„Flow Over Water Borders“ by Kat Austen is presented as a 4-channel sound installation that explores fluidity of identity in relation to borders. Paracelsus famously said of all substances „It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.“ Borders constrain and divide, they are often contested, policed, enforced. Yet they also protect, define, collect… Their value is in the way that they and their permeability are navigated.
Drawing parallels between urban life for young people and the changes to water as it passes through the city, this sound artwork sheds light on the meaning of boundaries, the fluid nature of the self and the eternal navigation of the individual as part of society.
The artwork is based on participatory artistic research focussed on the Panke River in Berlin with local school pupils. Realised through DIY Hack the Panke’s Science by Doing with Art Laboratory Berlin.
Festival Website Walls Have Ears / Sientel On Korvad
More information Flow Over Water Borders
More information Science by Doing at Art Laboratory Berlin’s site